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Rainbow Bridge Healing for Animals/Pets (Animal Phowa)

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who are maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.

There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!

The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group! You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together

The pain of losing an animal companion through death is often a more intense than losing a human companion. Most of us will suffer alone as in our modern society, heavy mourning for an animal is often consider as weak. Even your immediate family members or friends who do not have a liking for animals will only tell you “that is only an animal”. This usually made you more sad and lonely because you are feeling no one can understand you. So it is important to surround yourself with the people that understand you.

To you, the animal is not a pet or only an animal; he is your companion, closed friend and family. Your animal companion simply loved you without judgement of who you are, how rich you are, how you look and what job title you are holding. This kind of love is pure and unconditional; normally you cannot find it in human relationship. That is why grieving for an animal usually is deeper and last longer. Your animal companion is part of the family, he also deserve to die with dignity and peace.

Amy went into deep research and study of death and bereavement after suffering heartbreak grieving for her pet Benji, She awakens her mission to assist animal on transitions and assist pet owner to recover from grieving process. She found a few healing services that can provide pet and pet owner comfort. She has many years of Phowa practices and had benefited many pets and even helped stray and wild animals that will come to her near their death. Later, through her years of practice, she found that rituals such as funeral or memorial services help people healed better after pet loss. It will also benefit pet that has passed on as they will love to be loved and remember even after death. .

Phowa For Animal Companions


Phowa is to help the dying pets on a peaceful and smooth transition by sending them love and healing energies. The healing lights will guide them to place they shall be going by free their suffering and pain. Phowa does not mean only for buddhist, any reglious and non-reglious pets can be benefit from this practice.
Phowa aims is to made pet's departing journey as peaceful as it can, the source of energies used will be according to pet's guardian prefer deity/God/Buddha or just healing light.

Phowa is non-religious, using healing energies from the universe. Sometimes some gods and dieties are used in the healing depending on pet and their care taker karmic link, it is just pure compassion healing energies from the dieties.

Amy normal practice is used healing energies of Kwan Yin, Medicine Buddha and Guru Rinpoche depend on the the kamic link with the buddha, bodhisavattes and pets. For non-buddhist pets, the healing energies used can be Angels, Archangel Raphael and Michael , St Francis of Asis or by requested of pets' guardian.

Phowa can be performed when your pet is going to die or already dead. It is best to perform before dying and immediately after death. Amy do on site healing for animals that are dying in a pet' home or cremetion site. Distant Healing will be offered to animals that are seperated by geographic location.

According to Tibetan and Chinese practice, it is auspicious and beneficial to perform Phowa on 3rd days, 7th days, 21 days and 49 days of death or every 7th days of Pet death till the 49th days on the same time of pet death.

This is especially important for pet that are passed away suddenly or accident. It is believed that every 7th days, the pet will experience the death again at the same place, performing Phowa helped them to purify negative karma and emotion, so they can go to the light faster, free of pain and attachmennt.
Some Pets may not know they are dead if they passed away Suddenly or in an accident, Phowa helps them to move to the light with acceptance and peace.

"The Essential Phowa Practice by Soyal Rinpoche-(from Tibetan Book of Living and Dying)
The most valuable and powerful of all practices I have found in caring for people and animals who are suffering and/or dying is a practice from the Tibetan tradition called phowa (pronounced "po-wa"), which means the tansference of consciousness.

Phowa for animals or people who are suffering and could be close to death this practice has been performed by friends, relatives, or masters, quite simply and naturally, all over the modern world--in Australia, America, and Europe. Thousands of people have been given the chance to have serenity at death because of its power.

I want to emphasize that this is a practice that anyone at all can do. It is simple, but it is also the most essential practice we can do to prepare for death, and it is the main practice I teach students for helping friends and relatives, and loved ones.