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Meeting departed pet

 Soul Journeying

Soul Journeying is a combination of shamanic and project sanctuary journeying to achieve healing, awakening of soul and understanding our life purposes. Amy found this is the most profound healing as it works from getting answers direct from our energy mind or creator. Our energy mind is like the computer, it stores all data of our past life and present life memories and programmes to help us work our life smoothly. By turning inwardly to work in harmony with our energy mind, we can optimise our life by deleting unwanted memories; sort out unfinished business or break unwanted or negative habits.
All illness, whether physical, emotional or psychological, come from an illness of the spirit. It may be due to karma, ancestral karma, soul loss, psychic intrusions, or other spiritual causes that could be caused to be contributing to illness.

Soul Journeying helps to heal your spirit through journeying and enable you to connect to your energy mind, Great Spirit, god, universe, or whatever name you give to the creator. They are all one, our creator or the source; it is the trick of the mind that creates the sense of separation.

In journeying, the creator assists you in mending any rift in your relationship with spirit, finding out the causes of imbalance in your life. When you have answers to the underlying problems, it will also bring healing to our spirit, mind and body. This is a deep healing that will transform your life, know who you are, gain new perceptions, overcome obstacles and see yourself as healed, whole and complete.


What is Journeying"

Journey to another realm is an ability we all processes, just like what we do in our dream. As we know from our dream, these other worlds are places of limitless possibilities, where information is relayed in format that the we can relate to. Unlike dreams, shamanic journeying is undertake with conscious intent and with a specific goal in mind.


The essence of shamanic journey healing concerns the spiritual removal of aspects of a person that shall not be there, and returning those spiritual parts that should. This is often done with a spiritual being such as power animal or sprit guides.



Soul Journeying to otherworld is a powerful way to gains insights, into problem-solving, to assist healing, to seek allies, just to relax and feel uplifting, or want to know who you are.

What to expect in a Journeying


Let your energy mind guide you and be open to whatever may happen or anything you might meet.

Be relax, and go with the flow, you do not need to force or imagine anything and most important is to trust your intuition as whatever come to your first is the right thing.

You have the ability to control over what you can do in the other realm that you travel do and don’t be inhibited by fear.

When you are ready, sit or lie in comfortably and breathe deeply to get relaxed. Listen to the music or drumming, and let Amy guides you in words to begin the journey.,

Be creative and used your five senses to enjoy a journey where you can gain more insights, solve problems, healing and meet your spirit guides.

Connect with  your Departed Pets by Journeying

Connecting with your departed pet can be done by Animal Communication or Soul Journeying. Animal that has departed, lost their physcial form but we still can connect to them in spirit.
Soul Journeing will be a guided meditately journey where you can meet your pet again in spiriit and recieve thoughts, feeling, images and hugs from the pet.
This is another opportunity for you to say whatever you want to say to your pet but have not spoken. Or you may only want to give her another hug. It is a very sweet experience that allow you to show love, gratitude and thank again. Especially for people who lost their pet suddenly, having able to say what you need to say, provide a sense of completion.