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Memorial services

Since Ancient times, ritual and ceremony for deaths helps to honour the life of our loved one and remembering with love. While most of us welcome the beginning and the start of something new, we tend to find endings more difficult. This is partly because we are taught to see life, as something that progress from start to finish. However in Spiritual aspect, death is not something final, but merely anther stage in the natural cycle of birth, growth, sickness, death and rebirth. It is yet another transition from one stage to another as we journey through the wheel of life.




In the lives of some people, animals represent a source of unique joy. As pets, they live with us throughout their life offer us with selfless love, loyalty and protection. They are not only a pet; they are our companions and part of family, Many pet owners just can't help reciprocating this unconditional love. The pain of loosing a beloved pet is immense and most pet owners have felt this grief. Some prefer running away from the pain of burying their dead pets by asking vets to take care of the disposal, only to regret it later. However, all the good and bad times with a pet can be enshrined eternally in a memorial in its honour. Pet memorials help owners immortalize their pet's memory by preserving the remains or by setting up a symbol to remember it.




It is beneficial for both you and your pet as through memorial you honour your pet life, acceptance, bid farewell, and experience the love again. Psychological all will feel better that we have done this tribute for her and it helps you and your pet to move on. According to Buddhist philosophy, animals have many lives and after death, they are reborn. It is believed that by honouring a pet after its demise, the owners can ease the pet's afterlife journey.




Memorial services also help us to cope better with grieving including children and other animals in the household. For the owner of a dead pet, the memories of their beloved pets are important sentiments. Pet memorial are an outlet for them to express their feelings. It enables everyone who loves the animal to gather and exchange recollections of the deceased animal, a unity force to hope for the best for the deceased animal. Ceremony like this normally creates a loving memory in your heart where you can take photo, talk about it and you can reminisce next times. Our memories will fade in times. Through ceremony event, we create a memory and leave fulfilments in our heart. When a pet dies unexpectedly or euthanized, may leave you feeling sadness and guilt, creating a peaceful memorial ceremony will usually replace your emotion with a more positive feeling.




Amy facilitate spiritual memorial services for pet, the goal is to provide comfort and support to pet owner, helping pet cross over and also a spiritual experience to learn about death, acceptance, forgiveness, gratification and love. Most important of this event is to help us accept loss, embrace birth and death as part of a whole and move on in life with greater meaning. It is a very meaningful and healing event.



If you need a personalised Pet Memorial ceremony, please contact Amy for further discussion.