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Animal Communication

Animal Communication can help pets that are dying

The dying process especially can be transformed into much profound experience; the person can feel more peace and acceptance of his pet’s passing, There is often much guilt and fear when a pet might be close to death. Using an animal communicating at those times can help people assuage their guilt and make the “letting go” much easier for both. You can know how your pet want to keep her reminders or hear her last words......

How Animal Communication works?
Communication is a natural ability all living beings, including humans, possess.
It is the ability to communicate with another nonverbally; it can be through an exchange of images, through a sense of knowing, through an exchange thoughts, feeling and sensations. We humans have developed verbal skills so high that we have placed almost no emphasis on this intuitive gift. We refer it as a “hunch”, “a feeling” “inner knowing” or a “coincidence”. But animals have not been taught that they cannot communicate telepathically, so they do it all the time as part of their natural way of communicating with others. They pick up our intuition messages regarding them all the time,
