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Why Animal choose their physcial form to become our pets?

Why animal choose it physical form and become our pet

Be it a dog, cat, bird, fish or mouse, our animal companions came to our life to teach, share and learn about love in life. No matter what form the animals is, there is a beautiful soul behind this form that provides us unconditional love and many other attributes to help us grow. They are our pets, companions, teachers and healers. Every animal is individual and each animal came to our life in different forms and phrases of our life to help us learn and grow spiritually. For example, you may learn to be more joyful with a happy dog or may learn to love and provide care to a sick animal. If you opened your heart and observe, there are so much we can learn from them.

When you choose animal and provide her love and care, a part of your soul opened. Animals love you regardless of your look, your statue, and the amount of money you have, the relationship are usually simple, pure and uncomplicated. They are here to provide you beauty, simplicity and unconditional love. These simple and uncomplicated relationships that we cannot get from human companions, they touch our souls and bring out the goodness in us.

Spiritually speaking, most animal companions and pets are teaching us to live in the present and cycle of life such as living and dying. Most pets normally live shorter than us (except some parrots have long life span) and we are the one to witness their entire life cycle. Most people especially children, pets are the first encounter of death in their life. Facing death of a beloved pet is heartbreaking experience but it also helps us to grow stronger and enable us to cope better during death of other loved ones and at own death. Some believe that our pets usually die before us as their mission is to guide us for transition when our death is near. Many people that near death had witnessed their pets especially dogs and horses, appear in their trance state, dream or vision during their last moment in life.