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Articles-When your pet is dying

When your pet is dying...

Everything has a cycle and everything dies, including your pets. There are some signs and symptoms in a dying process but each of us experiences it in own unique way. This is a natural cycle of transition. There are many paths one can lead to the journey but all lead to the same destination.



Usually the dying process begins before actual death occurs. Death is the journey of ending the physical life and back to the spirit world. The journey may begin from one to three months for natural dying process. Some pets will go through the whole process, while some pets will only experience some of the symptoms and signs.


When the pet’ death is approaching, they begins to withdraw from the surrounding. The pets will begin to separate from the world, frequently go into hiding or choose a quite spot to sleep. Sleep takes up most of their times, sometimes they may sleep whole day but unable to sleep at night due to weak heart. Your pet temperament changed, may become more easily irritated or whining. She starts to have less interaction and play with family and other pets. Your pet may refuse touch due to uncomforted or pain when being touch. Your pet will spend most of the times sleeping and lost interest with all activities happen around her. For examples, she may not able to greet you at the door when you come home and uninterested to follow you around the house. Your pet organs deteriorated causing urine and defecate involuntarily which she never did before. Do not scold her, older pets feel as bad and lack of dignity for doing that.


When days are nearer to death, the body will do a wonderful job to dissolve the entire elements. This is the process of shutting down, to enable beautiful soul to transit. Over this process, there are signs and symptoms of dying and it will happen to all beings. Sometimes it will happen very fast and not obvious for us to notice it. 



Earth element (flesh, bones, organs of smell and odours) dissolve

When the body slow down, there is a reduced appetite and weight loss. You pet’s body begins to lose strength; she has difficulties getting up, walking or go for walk. She easily fell and knocks on things. Her hair lose lustrous and start to drop hair. She may have bumps and lumps on the body became itchier cause by dryness of skin. The once beautiful dark coat will become light and the light coat one become dark. She has lost weight, shrink in size and cheek sink. The teeth may drop and have dark stains. There will be more body odour and smell bad.

Water element (blood, water and organs of waste) dissolve

These signs usually happen one to two weeks before dying and it the time your pet start to sleep most of the time. There is less food and liquid intake as the body is prepare to shut down so enable soul transition. Your pets require less energy now and will not feel hungry and do not crave for foods like before. Some will become very thirsty due dry and sticky mouth and throat. As the body start to regulate the water element, nose will run, dribble more salvia, more discharges from eyes. Some will keep on vomiting and diarrheal. She cannot control their urine and more housebreaking happened. The hearing becomes distorted and will having difficult to hear you well. She became nervous, frustrated, easily agitated and angry. She become timid and more fearful of loud noises or fell down. Her body often tremble and twitch, body sensations dwindle, alternating between pain and pleasure.

Fire element (warm, temperature, colouration, organs of sight and form) dissolve

At this stage, the body temperature lowers and also the blood pressure drop, The mouth and nose dry up, the body become cold. a steamy heat may raises from the crown of the head and you may think your pet has fever. Your pet may become senile, forget to eat and drink or even forever the place to pass her urine and defecates, She may even forget you and her other family members. Your pet will not feel hungry at this stage because she can no longer digest foods. But need to provide her water by wetting her mouth frequently to her comfort.

Air element ( breath, organs of touch and sensation) dissolve

The breathing becomes irregular and getting harder and harder to breath. Your pet may gasp for breath and pan. Her eyes keep rolling upward and body become immobile. Your pet will sleep and dream more, and sometimes body will move involuntary during sleep. She may become unconscious and unaware of the surrounding. You will need to keep her as comfort as it can by giving more pillows and blankets. She will feel very cold as body temperature keep dropping and some will shiver. She will also feel more frighten and may scream and shout in pain. Your pet will become incontinent as there will be discharge from her private part; urine and poop come out bit by bit, a natural process for body to shut down. The breath become swallower and swallower, she will get harder to breath, than she may gasp for three big breaths, suddenly the breathing stop and your pet passed on.

Moment of clarity

A couple of days to hour before death, your very sick and unconscious pet may suddenly has more energy, wake up and start eating and drinking and behave better than normal. Many people will think that their pet is getting better but this surge of energies is usually short, and the previous signs of death become more obvious when the death approaches. In the moment of clarity, the pet may wake up to say final farewell to you and she may get closer to you. Some pet owners has reported that their pets will walk around the house and make a turn in circle in front of them before they die to thank and show respect to their owner. All pets will have a way to say farewell to their owners even at sudden death. There are always signs but we often miss it.


What to do when a pet is dying

If you observed signs that your pet may be dying, it is important to act quickly to help your pet feel better and assist her smooth transition. Let her lay down on a quite and comfortable place, with soft pillow, blanket or cushions. Soft relaxing music helps to giving a peaceful and calming environment. If you have any religious, chant God name or mantras near their ear. Tell your pet how much you love her, promise her you will take care of yourself and give her permission to die. Your pet will become incontinent as there will be discharge from her private part; urine and poop come out bit by bit. This is a natural process for body to shut down. Wipe the dirty fur with clean and warm cloth. You can call your vet and ask for any help to make your pet feel better. Finally, you can give your pet a Phowa healing for smother transition. After death, let the body rest untouched in a quite place for 12 to 24 hours if possible. This is to enable her soul transit. Next, you can choose a simple ritual or ceremony, than cremate or burial your pet.

After the loss of a Pet

Your pet still able to hear you in spirit form after she dies, any healing and dedication of love you send her, she will still able to receive it. She will be happy to see you live well and strong, so she can go to the lights fast and with peace. You can choose to do a memorial ceremony for her to honour her life and remembrance the great life she shares with you. Memorial services help you and family to cope better and bring closure to you and your family.


Amy went through all the signs and a stage of Pet’s process of dying. She wrote this articles hope that owners and guardians will have a better understanding of the process of dying and assist their animals to die with peace, love and dignity. The earlier you know the signs that they are dying, you can make preparation which is of helpful to both of you. The process of pet dying here refers to general pattern to pets that are passing on naturally. All pets have different destiny in life and death journey. Although there may be some similarity in their death journey but each of them will experience the signs of dying in her each unique way. This article is just serving as a guide.

​Amy does house call to assist pet passed on peacefully. Her service includes Phowa Healing when the pet is dying and simple ritual and ceremony when they have passed on at home or at cremation site and Memorial services. Distant Healing is as powerful as on-site healing, cause energy healing is not restricted by times and spaces. She can send healing energies to all part of the universe when the animals need it